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- Written by Teresa Moio
- Hits: 815
Report of the Mission in Rwanda (August 2010)
written by Teresa Moio (Volunteer)
To All Benefactors and Friends of the Nolite Timere onlus
First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Teresa Moio and I have been working as volunteer for almost a year.
When some months ago I was told that I would go to Rwanda I welcomed the news with emotion and enthusiasm. An enthusiasm which was not betrayed, because Africa deeply touched my heart.
I arrived in Kigali with Rita last August 17th. At the Airport we were welcomed by Sister Delfina, the Mother Superior of the Institute “F. Smaldone”, and Sister Fatima of the Apostolic Nunciature.
After having a lunch at the Institute and a short visit at the Apostolic Nunciature, we arrived at the Cité of Nazareth during the night. At last I was visiting the Cité where we were overwhelmed by the warmth of the children!